And while I don’t remember any reason ever being given as to why she seemed to have simply evaporated, her books missing from bookstores, what I found out much later surprised – and disappointed – me. It struck me as odd: Lee was a Horror standard for a while, part of that now extinct Horror Section. I looked in vain for decades…She was neither in used bookstores, new book bookstores, nor Amazon at the time. I could not find anything by Tanith Lee anywhere. Imagine my surprise and disappointment when I could not find them. Years later, when I wanted to re-read and compare her vampire trilogy The Blood Opera Sequence to Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles, I went looking to repurchase those books. It was a product of the times, that way of thinking – trusting that decades could scroll by and one would always be able to find another paperback copy somewhere. And I remember being stupid enough to give those books away. I remember devouring paperbacks written by Lee – full of envy of her mastery and use of language, somehow more accessible and less lofty than that of writers like Anne Rice, but the kind of prose that lingers long after it is read. This is what I remember about reading Tanith Lee:ĭark, haunting prose that made me feel like I was reading it with the lights out potent and pregnant narrative that was so Gothic and eerie that I thought of Poe characters that to this day remain vibrant in my head…